Pincodes, Address, Streets in India

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Post Offices in India

Approximately 1,50,000 post offices are there in India. Post offices are run by the Postal department and very useful for every one. Myspouse.In has listed all of them with their address, contact numbers, location google map.

You can find all the details you may have interest in our Post offices Database.

More than 13 million streets are included in the streets list. The streets are connected with the relevant post offices and pin code numbers.

Address of Offices and Companies

Often we search for an address in the internet. Myspouse.In has collected and provides you a catalog of interesting and useful places, establishments, offices, companies, Industries, shops, show rooms..etc.

Find or search for an address, contact phone number in our Address Catalog.

Or simply wander and browse through the citiy list, or the specific area you  live in our Area list.